Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights.

People like capitalism because it gives them the freedom to spend their hard-earned money as they wish. The big unanswered question is what happens when others take advantage of your eagerness to flex your purchasing power. Whether you were cheated by a shady company or fraudulently denied a service that you paid for and were contractually obligated to receive, you shouldn’t have to settle for being mistreated.

The professionals here at Crimson Legal Group are dedicated to ensuring that commerce works for everyone, not just the people at the top. We’re devoted to helping you protect your consumer rights whatever it takes, and we have the real-world track record needed to pursue your case to a positive end.


What Are Consumer Rights?

Unfortunately, many people are completely unaware of the fact that they enjoy certain protections as consumers. For instance, if you’ve been intentionally deceived or cheated, then you may have legal options such as filing lawsuits, joining existing class action cases or lodging complaints with agencies like the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, or FTC.

In general, your consumer protections include

  • The right to be accurately informed about the products and services you purchase,
  • The right to have your complaints heard by the government,
  • The right to be protected from dangerous goods, and
  • The right to choose competing services or goods at will.

The nice thing about these principles is that they leave you with ample room to pursue legal action against businesses that violate your rights. For instance, enterprises that unfairly monopolize local markets in your region might be stopping you from choosing more affordable alternatives. Companies that make deceptive claims about their products could cause you to suffer losses when your purchases don’t perform the way you thought they would. In many cases, companies that sell you defective or unsafe goods might be held liable for your suffering, medical bills and lost wages.

Ensuring That Your Consumer Rights Stay Protected.

As with many areas of the law, consumer protections don’t automatically spring into action whenever you’re at risk. Victims usually have to seek remedies on their own, which may entail filing a complaint, starting a lawsuit or taking other legal steps.

Which route is right for you? At Crimson Legal Services, we work to equip you with vital knowledge that makes the course clearer. We routinely leverage our experience to protect those in need, and we’re standing by to help you next. Get a free consultation now to discover why you deserve better as a consumer.